• ProfessorMeal

Professor Meal (50g x 15s)

Regular price
RM 105.00
Regular price
RM 0.00
Sale price
RM 105.00

A breakfast or meal replacement that is convenient. fast, nutritious and can be consumed by the whole family without any worries of weight gain. Drinking DrMiow Professor Meal consistently can contribute to a healthier body and safeguards the body from the outlaught of modern day health problems.


  • Fully nutritious and delicious, a complete and wholesome breakfast on its own.
  • The best high nutritional value breakfast for whole family.
  • It can also serve as a healthy meal replacement for busy office workers.
  • The best breakfast or meal replacement for those who are afraid of weight gain.
  • Helps lower down bad cholesterol and improve blood circulation.
  • The best supper without worries of getting fat.
  • High nutritional value and does not cause weight gain.
  • One pack 50G is enough for you to be full for several hours

Most nutritious meals on the market contain beans or soy, which is not suitable for people are sensitive to beans.

DrMiow Professor Meal is a very unique formula. Its ingredients do not contain beans and soy. Because of that NO flatulence will be experienced after drinking it. Anyone with uric acid can also consume it without any worries.


Oat flakes, Whey Protein, Rice Protein, Malt Powder, Promoat Beta Glucan, Oat Bran, Red Rice, Brown Rice, Black Rice, Maltodextrin, Chia Seeds, 2'-FL, Seaweed Calcium, Cocoa Powder, Thiamine, Vitamin A, Vitamin D3, Vitamin E, D-Biotin, Folic Acid, Niacin, Panthothenic Acid, Vitamin B12, Vitmain B2, Vitamin B6, Vitamin K1, Vitamin C, Calcium, Iodide, Iron, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Selenium, Zinc and Sucralose.

Serving instruction:

Mix half or 1 sac with 250ml hot water,stir well and drink

由于太多人遇到选择早餐的问题。特别是赶时间的上班族、忙碌的父母、不爱吃早餐的孩子,还有怕肥一族们。为了解决大家面对的困难,Happy Family 推出了喵博士全营养早餐。



喵博士全营养早餐的成分包含燕麦片、乳清蛋白、大米蛋白、麦芽粉、Promoat 葡聚糖、燕麦麸皮、红米、精米、黑米、奇异将、2-FL(HMO)、海藻钙、可可粉、硫胺素、维生素A、维生素D3、维生素E、D-生物素、叶酸、烟酸、泛酸、维生素B12、维生素B2、维生素B6、维生素K1、维生素C、钙、碘、铁、镁、磷、硒、锌等。


  • 含高品质的 Promoat 葡聚糖,有效帮助降低胆固醇、尿酸和体内不好的脂,并达到预防三高的作用,同时有效改善便秘和保护心胜。
  • 含人体所需的多种营养素和矿物质,让机体足够应付每天所消耗的体力和能量。让我们不会感觉容易累或疲劳有助于增强大脑记亿力,改善睡眠和眼睛疲劳等。
  • 含2-FL母乳寡糖(HMO)人体所需的2种免疫营养益生元。有利于大人和小俊的肠道系统,强化人体防御系统的发展,滋养肠道内的益菌。同时支持肠胃的消化功能和肠道以外的防御系统,增强身体的抵抗力。
  • 含天然有机奇奕籽,提供身体需的植物纤维和脂肪酸 Omega-3,有效帮助去除环胆固醇,改善血液循环,有助于消除身体酸痛,麻辦和便秘等。
  • 含高质量的多种米蛋白和乳清高蛋白,是人体所需的必须氨基酸。
  • 不含任何豆类的蛋白,非常容易被消化,不会导致胀风。与其他蛋白质相比,更加快速让肠道吸收有效在短时间使肌肉和肌肤结实,预防机体老化,还可以防止骨驚关节酸痛,也适合有尿酸的人饮用。



将半包至1包喵博士早餐与 250ml 热水混合,搅匀饮用,也可以当代餐。